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Cascada is a graphical app for the complex task of managing key performance indicators (KPI).

Graphical presentation of KPI is easier to understand and enables successful KPI implementation.

Like cascades, performance indicators are derrived from top management's objectives and goes down to staff's tasks. Cascada simplifies the complexity of KPI by presenting indicator's relationships in hierarchial graph.

Cascada is currently being implemented at the Department of Culture and Tourism Indonesia.


A crowd-run political news and opinion website. Thriveta developed a unique ranking algorithm to sort the most noteworthy articles in this 5000 and growing community.


Multi-domain single sign-on system (SSO) for seamless login experience.


Cascada, a graphical key performance indicator (KPI) tools suitable for small firms to highly hierarchial organizations.


Helios, 360-degrees behavior assessment system for 200+ enterprise. Historic database allows assessments to evolve, while maintaining past ones's integrity.